Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Pick me up

G'day mates, while I have been with Vicki I have had lots of books to read. She has heaps of books at home and at work. But when Vicki has finished reading a book she gives it away! She has encouraged me to do the same. Vicki is a member of Bookcrossing and has over 4000 books she has registered and she has given away just under 4000 of them. Whew that's a lot!! I wonder if she has read them all?

Stanley helps with BookCrossing

Right next to Vicki's work is the public library for the area. I went in and checked out all the great books and other things that the library has.

There's some great reading there!

The library is part of the Alexandrina Council offices and there is a great display of the items from the area next to the library and it is in front of the council chambers. I had a look at some of the display.

Council display

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