Monday, July 24, 2006

Animal capers

G'day mates, I got to hang out with Ceri while I have been visiting Vicki. Ceri is one of Vicki and Dave's dogs and she is so lovable and loves to eat! Ceri is a labrador/spaniel cross and she is about 6 years old.


The other doggie person in this household is Dimi. She is the matriarch of the family and is a long-haired Chihuahua. Dimi is about 11 years old and likes to relax a lot.


I also went to visit some chooks. They live at Vicki's daughter Melanie's house. They were a lively bunch of ladies and lay lovely big eggs.


And the last of my animal capers. I saw another bird I didn't know! Gee there are lots of birds at Vicki's place. There is a Little Pied Cormorant with its wings open drying. The big white bird is a Great Egret. It stands with it's neck tucked into its chest and some seagulls. Gee it's bird watching paradise here.

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